Tagging the_post() everywhere

Tagging the_post() everywhere.

I remember a few months ago, a friend of mine made me a hand bracelet. When she asked me what to put as an inscription, I said without hesitation « the_post()« .

Now when I think back on it, I think it’s pretty funny. I was « in my bubble« .

Occupied on Netflix

For the past few weeks, I’ve been struggling a lot to find interesting things to watch on Netflix. I used to come across some pretty cool movies at first. Then I got bored with them after a few episodes/minutes.

Occupied on Netflix

And by chance, last week, I came across Occupied, a movie starring Eldar Skar and Ane Dahl Torp among others. I immediately got hooked on the plot, which reminded me a bit of Secret City, also on Netflix.

And since then, you could say I’ve been binge watching that show. There are currently only the first two seasons on Netflix, and I can’t wait to see the third one when it comes out.

Not for today finally

Not for today finally.

Okay. Now I’m tired. Tired as hell. I’ve got a special note planned for today, but it’s not going to be for today after all.

The cost of being introverted

The cost of being introverted.

Being introverted in a world where things move very fast can be very helpful sometimes. But sometimes it can also be damaging.

Withholding information can lead to misunderstandings, and the resulting situations are not always advantageous. So it’s a daily exercise in finding the right balance.

The balance between the personality we have and our interactions with other people.

Being introverted has a cost, whether you like it or not.

Image from Pixabay on Pexels

To be able to call our lost things

To be able to call our lost things.

Do you also sometimes look for an object for a very long time and finally find it in a harmless or totally banal place? It can be a key, a wallet, a pen, etc…

It happens to me. Too much ????. And in these situations, I think it would be cool if we could call these objects, and they would ring. Kind of like a phone. I know, I know, I’m still getting weird ideas.

For other super useful apps, you can read this article I wrote last March.

Photo by Negative Space from Pexels.

The burning head

The burning head.

Those days when you finish work, and your head’s all on fire. Your head’s on fire.

Then you know it’s time to take a break and get some rest.

Photo by Min An from Pexels.

Passion has to go somewhere

I wrote this note in French yesterday. I really enjoyed reading it again, so I’m putting it in English for today’s #DailyNotes.

Basically, it’s a text that I found in my notes that are three years old. I had just experienced my first love disappointment ????.

While writing this note in English, and some Google searches afterwards, I just saw that some of the sentences in this note come from the romantic comedy « 5 to 7 ». I’m going to watch it again.

The few lines you want to write when you’re happy become a long novel as soon as misfortune strikes you.

Passion has to go somewhere, and it can only go there. Your suffering has to serve a purpose.

A thousand years ago, someone invented the concept of the impermanence of beauty and the inevitability of change. I bet he’d just been dumped.

It took me a long time to analyze the value of memory; and just because something doesn’t last forever, doesn’t mean its value in itself diminishes. Maybe it was just a rationalization, sweeter to the soul than would have been the grieving, the not living of life. Honestly, I don’t know.

But I choose to believe in memory. I chose to believe in it. I chose to believe that the bond had never been broken, and that we each existed in each other’s hearts as a secret singularity.

She had made me a dreamer. She had melted my fears. There would be other loves, even, great loves. But she was right: only one of them was perfect.

I remember you everyday.

Justin Ahinon

Pourquoi fuir le bonheur ?

Pourquoi fuir le bonheur ?

Parfois, des choses bien arrivent dans nos vies. Mais il arrivent qu’on soit si pessimistes (????‍♂️), qu’on les rejette inconsciemment.

Avec entre autres pour raison qu’on veut s’épargner la souffrance quand ça se passerait mal. Mais, comment savoir que ça se passera mal ou pas sans avoir essayé ? Pourquoi fuir le bonheur ?