Stop trying to live someone else’s life

Stop trying to live someone else’s life.

I realize now that there are some people (especially one) for whom I have great esteem. And that, unconsciously, I try to copy my habits, my life to that person’s life.

I find myself in situations where I ask myself: what would this person have done? How would they have reacted? Until then, normal, you might say.

But when it becomes an obsession, it’s no longer normal in my opinion. I have to understand that as humans, we all have different experiences. And that our actions and reactions are conditioned by them.

I also need to understand that while it is normal to want to be inspired by other people’s actions, this should not impinge on our own decision-making abilities.

Things that I can not offer

Sometimes you have to accept the fact that you can’t please everyone, that you can’t give everything, that you can’t satisfy every need.

From the moment we realize this, we find ourselves freer; as if a heavy burden had just been taken away from us.

Cherish small advances

Over time I have learned to cherish the small advances I make.

I’m a very eager natural, so it’s really good as a method to keep me motivated in the long run.

Qui que tu sois, je veux te dire merci

This post is also available in English.

Hier, je faisais ma petite « soirée musique« , et j’ai décidé d’écouter Lil Dicky. Je l’ai connu il n’y a pas longtemps avec le titre « Earth« .

Cette fois ci, la chanson qui a attirée mon attention était « Molly » en featuring avec Brendon Urie. La vidéo, le message qu’il transmettait dans la chanson m’on marqués.

Mais plus encore, je suis tombé sur un commentaire qui m’a vraiment touché. Je ne m’attendais pas à l’être ainsi par un commentaire sur un vidéo Youtube ????. Donc, quelque soit la personne qui est derrière la chaîne Youtube Coupon Bear, je veux te dire merci ????????.

Je mets le message en question ici.

Cette chanson est un avertissement pour les hommes qui ont grandi sans être guidés. Sachez que lorsque vous rendrez votre dernier souffle, vous ne penserez jamais : « Mec, j’aurais dû travailler plus », « Mec, j’ai vraiment lutté et je suis arrivé là où je suis SEUL ». Le jeu de la célébrité est un piège destiné à vous éloigner de ce qui est vraiment important : la famille et les amis.

J’ai eu beaucoup de chance de découvrir cela très tôt dans ma vie et je suis toujours avec la femme que j’aime. Sachez que votre « valeur » ne vient pas du succès. Votre « héritage » n’est pas les succès ou l’argent que vous gagnez. Ce sont les relations durables, les vies que vous pourriez potentiellement changer en étant la meilleure version de vous.

Je sais que j’avais besoin de ce conseil alors que personne ne voulait le dire. J’espère que quelqu’un le lira et se rendra compte qu’il n’est jamais trop tard. Obtenez de l’aide. Parlez à quelqu’un. Apprenez à mieux vous adapter. Ajoutez de la valeur à votre vie. Arrêtez de chercher à combler ce « vide », car ce que vous savez, en fin de compte, ne vous comblera pas.

Restez fort. Soyez fort. Soyez meilleur.

Whoever you are, I want to say thank you

Whoever you are, I want to say thank you.

Yesterday, I was having my little « music night, » and I decided to listen to Lil Dicky. I knew him not long ago with the song « Earth. »

This time, the song that caught my attention was « Molly » featuring Brendon Urie. The video, the message he conveyed in the song made a strong impression on me.

But more than that, I came across a comment that really touched me. I didn’t expect to be so touched by a comment on a Youtube video ????. So whoever is behind the Coupon Bear Youtube channel, I want to say thank you ????????.

Pasting the comment here.

This song is a warning for men who grew up without guidance. Please realize, when your breathing your last breath you will never think « Man, I should have worked more », « Man, I really hustled and got to where I am ALONE ». The fame game is a trap meant to pull you away from whats really important – Family and Friends.

I was very fortunate that I found this out early in life and still am with the woman I love. Please know, your « value » doesn’t come from success. Your « legacy is not the hits or the money you make. Its the lasting relationships, the lives you could potentially change by being the best version of you.

I know I needed this advice when no one would say it. I hope someone out there reads this and realize its never too late. Get some help. Talk to some one. Learn better coping skills. Add value to your life. Stop the terrible search to fill that « void », for what you know, ultimately, will not fulfill you.

Stay strong. Be strong. Be better.

Absolutely …. no way

I just had the kind of dream that you’d think about afterwards: Absolutely no way.

The situation that happened to me in the dream is a situation that I want to see happen in real life. But, there I realized what it involved, and I admit that I’m not as enthusiastic about it anymore.

Feeling everything deeply

Feeling everything deeply.

One of the downsides of being me (I couldn’t find a troll emoji ????‍♂️) is that I don’t know how to experience or feel things halfway.

It sounds pretty cool when you put it like that, but it’s actually more complex. I can be very selfless or very passionate. Very involved or borderline « I don’t care ».

The downside here (or not necessarily) is that harmless situations get to me more than they should. Failures affect me more than they should.

With time, and by getting to know myself better, I have learned to accept this. Accepting it has allowed me to stop blaming myself for being so « extreme », and instead learn to take advantage of it.

Photo by Dương Nhân on Pexels.

Should I complain?

Sometimes I’m in pain, I’m unhappy, I’m sad or I’m down in the dumps. And I ask myself: Should I complain?

Because there are bound to be people who go through situations that are not as good as mine. In that case, why should I complain?