How do you act towards other people’ s achievements?

How do you act towards other people’ s achievements?

Sometimes, as a software engineer, I have the feeling that I don’t do enough in my core area of expertise.

I know many people who are in the same field as me, and who « create ». But I feel like I’m not creating anything. I contribute, yes, but sometimes it feels like it’s not enough.

Again, maybe I’m the one who wants to go too fast, too early. But that I may come to know one day. Or I won’t.

Feeling again the pleasure of learning something new

Feeling again the pleasure of learning something new

When I discovered WordPress a few years ago, I was really excited to learn some new stuff. I liked it, and I was happy.

I‘ve learned a lot of great stuff since then. Really interesting things. But as the years went by, I had lost the pleasure I felt when I discovered something new.

I was learning, but I wasn’t happy about it. I stagnated, and tried to run away from the reasons for it.

Today, a little by chance, I found myself on the GatsbyJS website. So I read the first documentations, and… I found it really fantastic.

Even though I hadn’t planned this initially, I found myself reading more and more about it.

I felt this outpouring of joy again when I learned that I had four years ago.

Now, it’s great to say again

I’m learning GatsbyJS, and I’m happy to do it.

The art of playing anyone

The art of playing anyone or how to piss guys off

Apparently there’s a lot about women’s codes I don’t understand yet.

I learned some of them today, and I am totally grateful to the person who introduced me to them.

Still, I continue to find some of them strange, or inexplicable.

The curious, the shy and the passionate

The curious, the shy and the passionate

Well, I wanted to give the title of the article a style like: « The beautiful, the beast and the naughty ». But I think that’s a bust.

So this title is supposed to sum up three facets of personality. Curiosity, shyness and passion. Beyond these words taken simply, their manifestation is multiplied tenfold, in the extreme, in me.

So when I happen to be curious about something, I rummage around until I find out what it is and everything around it. I dig deep.

It’s the same when I shut myself away in my cocoon. I become so silent that I surprise myself.

And when I’m passionate, excited to do something, well, I go all the way.

I wish it would keep going after me

I wish it would keep going after me

Jon Tennant’s premature passing really made an impression on me. I’ve talked about it once or twice here.

Today I’m wondering what will happen if I’m no longer here. Of course that’s not what I want. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this, it’s that you don’t always get what you want. And that life sucks.

So, when I’m gone, I hope my DailyNotes will continue to go online. I hope I can continue to leave a trace of my days (well, it won’t be my days exactly anymore).

So I’m going to schedule even more posts for the future days, one never knows :).

Ces petits plaisirs qui nous donnent le sourire

Je connais au moins deux personnes qui lisent mon blog, régulièrement, quotidiennement. L’une d’entre elles vient de me dire

« I read your blog more than you J ».

A good friend of mine

J’ai souri ?.

Je leur suis particulièrement reconnaissant pour ça. Quand en Octobre 2019 j’ai décidé de commencer cette aventure d’écriture quotidienne, c’était d’abord un challenge que je me lancais à moi même. C’était une manière pour moi de coucher mes journées. Pour moi.

Et c’est depuis une extraordinaire aventure. Comment je fais pour continuer ? Tout simple. Je ne me mets absolument aucune pression quant à ce que je dois écrire, quelle taille cela doit avoir, où si ce que j’écris est bon ou mauvais.

Ce soir c’est donc une belle soirée, et je souris ?.

When the long-awaited moment comes

When the long-awaited moment comes

Do you ever panic when something, an opportunity you’ve worked so hard for, finally comes along?

Maybe for fear of screwing it up, or not being up to the task?

Going live (again) tomorrow

Going live (again) tomorrow

So my first live coding experience was pretty cool. I even got to upload it to YouTube. So I decided to do it again.

Tomorrow, I start the first of a series about WordPress theme development. Of course I’m super excited about it. But I’m a bit apprehensive too.

I’m going to try to make the sessions not too long. Try because when I’m faced with my code, well …

So, see you tomorrow :).

Master of None

Master of None

Je me demandais bien où j’ai vu ou entendu cette phrase.

Et bien c’est sûrement en scrollant mon feed Netflix.

Et elle m’est bien resté dans la tête parce que je ne faisais que me répétér cette phrase dans la tête.