Life sucks

Life sucks

Last night I was glad, calm, maybe happy.

Then I learned that a person I knew, and whom I considered a friend, an inspiration as well as a role model, passed away.

He was just in his early thirties. Honestly, I’m still having a hard time understanding, processing and accepting what happened.

I first knew Jon at OpenCon 2016 in Berlin. We lost contact with each other for two years, and then our common interests (open science, open access) brought us together in 2018.

Right now, I don’t know who I can talk to about this, I can’t figure it out. I feel so sad, and I have so many questions.

Life really sucks.

May your soul rest in peace, Jon.

Introductory video for Module 1 of the Open Science MOOC, introducing the principles of Open Science.

What you’re leaving behind is so big, Jon. It’s hard that you left so soon.

Publié par segbedji

Hi ??. Je suis Justin. Je suis un développeur et contributeur actif au cœur de WordPress basé à Cotonou au Bénin. Depuis 2019, je participe activement au développement du CMS.