Trapped by faith

Trapped by faith

Faith is supposed to be the last refuge for humans. The bulwark under which one takes refuge when all goes wrong, and also when all goes right.

But when that wall becomes our burden, what then? What about when it becomes a huge trap?

Consecutive or simultaneous

Consecutive or simultaneous

I’m currently entering my 20s. And I have a more or less clear idea of what I wish to accomplish in the next five years. Another aspect of this plan is that for me it is broken down into consecutive accomplishments.

More clearly, I find it logical and objective to set goals for myself professionally, personally and others. However, it makes even more sense to me that the investment I make in these areas should be consecutive for each of them, not simultaneous.

A colleague suggested to me in a discussion yesterday that this is not necessarily the right approach. I’m still thinking about that. But for the moment, I am sticking to my logical and objective reasoning.

Feeling old

Feeling old

I just turned 22. Yeah, I know, two decades and two more years. Honestly, I may have had the scare of my life in my 20s.

I felt horribly old, and I clearly felt the pressure of my ambitions. In the last two years, I’ve been able to move forward with my goal. And I’m totally grateful to all the people who have contributed in some way or another.

It’s not you

It’s not you.

I have already mentioned a principle of the Toltec agreements, which is to avoid assumptions. Today, the one I am interested in is as follows:

Never make it personal.

It is important to know that there are others and there is who we really are. There’s what others think of us and there’s who we really are.

This doesn’t mean that we should live by ignoring or ignoring the opinions of others! Rather, it means knowing that the important thing is who we really are. Our opinion of ourselves should not be formed by other people.


There is no logical reason why Rumpelstiltskin should be the title of this article. It’s just a fantasy that came to me tonight.

I was watching a video on YouTube when I thought I heard « Rumple. » I immediately remembered the character from a show that I really liked. So I did a Google search for Rumple and it suggested Rumpelstiltskin. Clever huh !

The character is in the series « Once Upon a Time » that, as I said, I really liked.

Robert Carlyle, playing Rumpelstiltskin in Once Upon a Time
Robert Carlyle, playing Rumpelstiltskin in Once Upon a Time

I also saw on Wikipedia that he was a character from German fairy tales, and that he was quite well known in this culture. I’m going to dig a little bit more on that side.

Oh, he would also be called the Worry Dwarf. Weird ?, I don’t remember him being a dwarf on the show.

I don’t know

I was afraid to say I don’t know.

Until a few months ago, I felt embarrassed when I was asked something in my areas of expertise and didn’t know the answer. I blamed myself for not knowing.

And of course, with that comes the pressure to always want to give satisfaction.

Now I understand that it’s not about knowing. It’s about knowing that you don’t know.

On the importance of getting a good night’s sleep

I’ve been sleeping strictly at least eight hours a day for a little over a week. That’s so good.

Before when I slept well, and for that long, I felt guilty. I thought that as a young person, I had to spend sleepless nights in order to work more.

But, can you work and be productive if you are not healthy? Absolutely not.

Then let’s sleep well. Let’s work as well.

On doing things the right way

I think that, as humans, we must do our best to always do things the right way.

This seems obvious, but I felt tonight, it’ll be cool to remind it to myself.

On doing things the right way

When you’re angry don’t talk

This note is a reminder that I am reminding myself for the future. When something shocks me, or when I am really offended, I can have very unpleasant words.

Recently, a person has clearly told me things that are almost contemptuous. I’m glad I didn’t answer on the spot.

There are other ways to get a message across than through anger.

Et si j’avais pris un chemin différent

Je me demande parfois ce que je ferais aujourd’hui si j’avais pris un chemin différent il y a quelques années. Si j’avais fais d’autres choix à des moments cruciaux de ma vie.

Il y a beaucoup de choses qui m’ont passionnées. Vraiment passionnées. À un point où j’imaginais passer ma vie à ne faire que ça.

Je suis toutefois optimiste quant à mes rêves. La vie c’est un long parcours. Parfois parsemé de surprises.