The art of playing anyone

The art of playing anyone or how to piss guys off

Apparently there’s a lot about women’s codes I don’t understand yet.

I learned some of them today, and I am totally grateful to the person who introduced me to them.

Still, I continue to find some of them strange, or inexplicable.

The curious, the shy and the passionate

The curious, the shy and the passionate

Well, I wanted to give the title of the article a style like: « The beautiful, the beast and the naughty ». But I think that’s a bust.

So this title is supposed to sum up three facets of personality. Curiosity, shyness and passion. Beyond these words taken simply, their manifestation is multiplied tenfold, in the extreme, in me.

So when I happen to be curious about something, I rummage around until I find out what it is and everything around it. I dig deep.

It’s the same when I shut myself away in my cocoon. I become so silent that I surprise myself.

And when I’m passionate, excited to do something, well, I go all the way.

I wish it would keep going after me

I wish it would keep going after me

Jon Tennant’s premature passing really made an impression on me. I’ve talked about it once or twice here.

Today I’m wondering what will happen if I’m no longer here. Of course that’s not what I want. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this, it’s that you don’t always get what you want. And that life sucks.

So, when I’m gone, I hope my DailyNotes will continue to go online. I hope I can continue to leave a trace of my days (well, it won’t be my days exactly anymore).

So I’m going to schedule even more posts for the future days, one never knows :).

When the long-awaited moment comes

When the long-awaited moment comes

Do you ever panic when something, an opportunity you’ve worked so hard for, finally comes along?

Maybe for fear of screwing it up, or not being up to the task?

Is he right?

Is he right?

I want to freelance. I mean, it’s still a dream or an ambition that I’m trying to achieve. I talked to one person today, and he totally advised me against that option now.

The person I talked to has also been freelancing in a variety of digital services for a few years now. He reminded me that one of the crucial aspects of freelancing is building a strong network. And that if he could make a choice again, he would choose to work in a company (like I do now) for several years before going into freelancing.

He was so sure of his arguments that it made me think. Am I rushing too fast. Sometimes I feel like I am.

Honestly, my motivation has always remained the same, or even stronger, but I am wondering about the timing of all this.

Is he right? Am I ready? Am I ready now?

Useful applications or services

In my daily life, I notice that there are certain tools, services or applications that could be a huge success if they existed. Some of them will seem crazy to you, for sure, but they are very useful in my opinion.

First of all, a kind of Shazam, but with our own voices. Sometimes I’ve got a song that comes over and over again in my head, without remembering the title. If I could just hum it in an app, and it’s identified, that would be super awesome.

To be able to call out the objects of our everyday life. Have you ever lost your keys and searched for them for a long time? Imagine if you could make that key ring remotely. Same for a pen, a charger, etc… I suppose that’s something that will become a reality as the IoT evolves.

Here’s two things that I think could be very useful in everyday life.

Talking to someone

Talking to someone

Sometimes it’s so nice to have someone to talk to.

A person you can tell everything to. Our fears, our ambitions, our dreams, our fears and so on.

We all go through difficult times or trials. And being able to share that can be very healing.

I don’t like to be bothered

Do you also hate it when people bother you? Because I do. When I’m working, when I’m focused on something important, or usually all the time, I don’t like to be bothered.

Honestly, I can’t accurately describe how I feel at times like that. I would call it irritation more than anything else. And when that happens, I often want everyone to disappear, and I’m the only one left.

Big slap in the face

I finished watching « Love is blind » on Netflix yesterday. I kind of liked the first episodes. Although, big slap in the face on episode 10.

I shared my opinions on the spot as follows.

Honestly, after watching the whole show, I’m even stronger in my convictions. I really think that all the hype around love, soul mates and whatever, is just crap.

I was telling a colleague last week that’s why I like to compartmentalize my life. And that it makes total sense to me to take my involvement in achieving my different ambitions as consecutive rather than simultaneous.

We are, as human beings, a concentration of emotions, dreams, aspirations that are so different. And there is only one person who can totally understand and accept this, ourselves.