Et puis mince

Et puis mince

Mon ordinateur personnel fait des siennes depuis ce matin. J’ai bossé là dessus normalement une grande partie de la nuit dernière.

Et ce matin, je le démarre, mais rien. J’espère qu’il reviendra à de meilleurs sentiments le plus vite possible.

I don’t know

I was afraid to say I don’t know.

Until a few months ago, I felt embarrassed when I was asked something in my areas of expertise and didn’t know the answer. I blamed myself for not knowing.

And of course, with that comes the pressure to always want to give satisfaction.

Now I understand that it’s not about knowing. It’s about knowing that you don’t know.

Integrating Algolia for search on my site

I’ve been writing #DailyNotes for 90 days now. Before that, I had already written about ten articles on the blog. So the content is starting to be quite voluminous.

It often happens that when writing a note, I refer to another one I had written before. So I had to look for it, and find it.

WordPress’ native search system is very great. It’s accurate, efficient, and I’ve almost always used it as a search system on the sites I build. But in this case, it was getting a bit complicated.

So I had to find a tool or an integration that would allow me to search more or less asynchronously.

I already knew Algolia because I saw it used on several sites, and I did some research on it. Same for ElasticSearch.

But I finally opted for Algolia because of its ease of integration, the interface which is rather simple and intuitive. Also I had the possibility to customize a lot the interface of the search results. And moreover, I had autocompletion during searches.

Search page with Algolia

This is exactly what I was looking for. So I used the plugin « WP Search with Algolia » by WebDevStudios that integrated Algolia to WordPress since the team had stopped supporting integration to the CMS.

It was a rather difficult choice to opt for a plugin, because I try to avoid as much as possible what could affect the performance of my site. But the folks at WebDevStudios did a good job with their plugin. And I would have included the same number of JavaScript files if I had opted for manual integration myself.

That’s the story behind the integration of Algolia into my site’s search system.

The obsession of optimization

UPDATE: As of April 1, 2020, this site is no more running on Twenty Twenty theme. But I (almost once in a week) continue to seek for ways to make it more performant.

Cette note est aussi disponible en Français.

I am writing this note, previously in French, for the needs of my services page, which I recently created.

I wrote in an earlier note: The obsession of optimization [FR]. Today, I’m updating it.

So I’m obsessed with the performance of my site Obsessed by its speed, its ranking in the main SERP, its security, etc…

This is a personal matter for me. Very personal. I present myself as a talented WordPress developer. It goes without saying that my site, built with this CMS should be a credible example of what I claim to offer!

I’m going to talk today (in issue 89 of my #DailyNotes ??) about the different things I’ve had to do, and continue to do on the site.

As I said before, my site has to be fast. Very fast. Excessively fast (well, within the limits of what is possible). So I had to opt for a WordPress lite theme that I could boost with a few tricks of my own.

The opportunity was too perfect with 2020, the new official default WordPress theme, coming with 5.3 (version for which I was part of the release team, coordinating the technical documentation).

2020 was designed by the excellent Anders Norén, and its development was coordinated by Ian Belanger. I myself made some fixes to the theme during the early stages of its development.

So I started with a child theme of 2020 whose source code is currently hosted on my GitHub account.

Pictures are usually one of the biggest resources on a website. So I’m careful to upload only images that have been optimized beforehand (size, weight). So I was more than happy when the automatic sizing feature for large images came with WordPress 5.3 (kudos to our dear Andrew for the work done on this).

Images are also converted to WebP format for further optimization. Also, I now only use it when strictly necessary.

Next to it, I have the excellent, must-have WP Rocket ? for site optimization. Basically, caching, preloading the cache, minimizing and compressing script and style files are provided.

I tested for a few weeks the image preloading feature, which I then left. This because WP Rocket adds a script on the site to manage it. One less script to load, which was going to deprive ?. Not me, that’s for sure. Also, Chrome natively supports preloading since a few weeks. So as soon as I have some time, I’ll contribute to the ticket opened by Morten on Core Trac to integrate it to WordPress.

Another aspect, the plugins. The popular belief is that the more active plugins you have on a WordPress site, the slower it is. That’s not exactly true. A site with 30 active plugins can be faster and more performant than one with 3.

I’ve limited the active plugins on the site to the bare minimum. The list can be found on my legal notice page.

I have also disabled comments on the site. So no more comment scripts to load (although this is not the main reason for this action).

Test on GTmetrix
Test on GTmetrix
WebPage Test
WebPage Test
WebPage Test
Pindom test
 PageSpeed Insights
PageSpeed Insights
PageSpeed Insights
PageSpeed Insights

PS: I noticed that some emojis are loaded in SVG since‘s servers, and that a script is added on all pages, even those that do not contain emojis. To be explored for later.

On the importance of getting a good night’s sleep

I’ve been sleeping strictly at least eight hours a day for a little over a week. That’s so good.

Before when I slept well, and for that long, I felt guilty. I thought that as a young person, I had to spend sleepless nights in order to work more.

But, can you work and be productive if you are not healthy? Absolutely not.

Then let’s sleep well. Let’s work as well.

L’ananas, c’est un super fruit non ?

L’ananas, c’est un super fruit non ?

L’ananas c’est clairement un de mes fruits préférés, sinon LE préféré, et maintenant je comprends pourquoi. C’est un super fruit en fait.

L'ananas, c'est un super fruit non
Ananas sur une surface blanche

Je crois que j’en mange au quotidien, l’ananas. Il regroupe en un seul tout ce qu’on pourrait espérer d’un fruit. Couleur, texture, goût, bonheur éprouvé en le mangeant.

De l’ananas, de l’ananas partout

Et puis, les jus d’ananas naturels, ça peut être une telle merveille. Une aventure hautement intéressante pour les palais. Ah, je ne trouve pas les mots à mettre sur ces sensations.

Elles sont….. uniques.

Photos par Julien Pianetti et Pineapple Supply Co. sur Unsplash.

Children of the Internet

While writing this note, I did some research on Generation Z. My intention was to find a connection between this generation and the Internet. At least, to make some chronological connections that they (Generation Z) have with the emergence and development of the Internet.

Well, I think not in the end. Generation Z was not « born » with the Internet as we know it today.

However, this is not the subject of this note. Rather, what interests me is the daily relationship we have with the Internet. By we, I mean young people, in their twenties, who are doing jobs or have an interest in computers or « tech » in general.

I think these people can be described as children of the Internet. I’m affirmative of course for the people in this category that I know and for myself.

I’m a Web Developer and WordPress Expert

I’m a Web Developer and WordPress Expert with 3+ years in building and optimizing platforms on top of WordPress. I’m also a WordPress Core Team member and contributor.

As such, I led many minor and major WordPress releases, and I regularly contribute to the CMS.

I wrote these sentences today as a description of myself for an online service I recently started using.

I only had about 1200 characters I think, so I did my best to keep it succinct and accurate.

De la vie privée sur Internet

Quelle est la perception d’un utilisateur ‘lambda’ de la vie privée sur Internet ?

Hormis les grands titres relatifs aux fuites de données sur les réseaux sociaux les plus populaires, que sait l’utilisateur d’internet de la protection des données.

Que sait-il de ce que les applications ou services qu’il utilise font de ces informations personnelles. Son consentement aux politiques de confidentialité en est il vraiment un ?

Bring back our Kenneth

I think I once, and very briefly, wrote Kenneth Yannick in my #Daily-Notes. In this article.

Kenneth is one of the most talented Beninese humorists (in my opinion). He does stand-up scenes at the Cotonou Comedy Club, and « broke through » a little over a year ago, after Irawo revealed him to the world.

Right after that he did his first solo show at Canal Olympia. The show was a great success.

But since then, Kenneth has kind of disappeared from the Beninese stages. It’s clear that he’s up to something really cool, but we still miss him. I can’t wait for him to come back.