The blank page

Featured image by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

I promised myself two days ago to write an article a day on this blog. I’ve already done two since then.

It is 7:10 p.m. this Saturday, October 19, and I still don’t know what to write. That is why this article is titled « The blank page » ?. When I challenged myself with this, I didn’t know it would be difficult sometimes.

Well, it’s not really a blank page because I just wrote more than 10 lines ?.

7:12 p. m., still nothing comes in my mind. I have to go out in less than 20 minutes to go to cinema, so I’m going to post this article (if we can call it that) as is; because I’m afraid not being able to do it when I get back.

Oh, and if you are wondering, I’m going to watch « Moi Je Sais Tout » with Kenneth Yannick as main actor. He is a standup comedian ? I really like.

Come on, don’t be disappointed ?, and see you tomorrow ?. Tomorrow, something consistent should come. I hope so.

Publié par segbedji

Hi ??. Je suis Justin. Je suis un développeur et contributeur actif au cœur de WordPress basé à Cotonou au Bénin. Depuis 2019, je participe activement au développement du CMS.

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