Je découvre git bisect

HIer grâce à mon collègue à Yoast Aris Stathopoulos, j’ai découvert la commande git bisect.

En gros, cette commande est super utile pour débogguer notre code versionné. Et elle est encore d’autant plus utile si ce code versionné a eu de nombreux commits, a plusieurs branches, et qu’on ne sait pas exactement quand le bug a été introduit.

Je me sens comme un gros noob stupide de ne pas avoir connu cette commande plus tôt ????. Du coup, je vais configurer un dépôt spécial et la tester dès que possible.

Discovering git bisect

Today, thanks to my colleague at Yoast Aris Stathopoulos, I discovered the git bisect command.

Basically, this command is super useful to debug our versioned code. And it’s even more useful if this versioned code has had many commits, has several branches, and we don’t know exactly when the bug was introduced.

I feel like a big stupid noob for not having known about this command earlier ????. So I’m going to set up a special repository and test it as soon as possible.

Tell them, now

If you care about a person, be it a friend, relative, loved one, please be sure to tell them and show it to them. Don’t wait to do it later.

Life is great, but life is short and unpredictable. And we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

And if you need to, need someone to talk to, do it. Don’t expect the worst. Don’t take it upon yourself and hope that your feelings will magically disappear.

And to all my friends, all my relatives with whom distance has been created, know that it is not because we do not see each other that we no longer think of each other.

Know that if things are going badly and you need to shout it out, there is an ear that will always be ready to listen to you. Do not hesitate to knock on this door.

I wish you all well, you, your loved ones, and all the people who matter to you and to whom you matter.

What are my wishes?

This afternoon, while going back at home, from a trip with some friends, we saw the first moon. And there is apparently a rumour that said that ones can make a wish when this happens.

But I was unable to find a wish to do. I was like: what the hell is my wish? ????

Is it normal to do not wish something at a particular time ?

Sécurisez votre Facebook

Récemment, une connaissance à moi s’est plainte de fréquentes tentatives de piratage de son compte Facebook. Je lui ai proposé quelques actions à faire pour le sécuriser; du coup je les mets ici aussi.

Je te recommande de:

1) Changer le mot de passe de ton compte en un passe suffisamment fort et que tu n’utilise pas ailleurs. Tu peux utiliser le générateur de LastPass pour faire ça ????

2) Te déconnecter de toutes les sessions sauf seule sur laquelle tu te trouves.

Pour faire ça dans l’application Facebook, tu vas dans « Paramètres et vie privée > Paramètres > Sécurité et connexion ».

Tu verras une section « Où vous êtes connecté(e) » avec « Voir tout », tu cliques là dessus; et t’auras un bouton « Se déconnecter de toutes les sessions » sur lequel tu cliques.

Ça va te déconnecter de tous les autres endroits où ton compte est connecté à part sur l’appareil que tu utilises.

3) Activer l’authentification à deux facteurs. En gros, ça te permet d’ajouter un nouveau de téléphone qui va recevoir un code de connexion par SMS à chaque fois que tu veux te connecter à un nouvel appareil.

Pour faire ça, tu vas dans « Paramètres et vie privée > Paramètres > Sécurité et connexion » toujours, puis « Authentification à deux facteurs ». Tu verras les options proposées et tu pourras choisir celle qui te conviens.

Je te recommande aussi de copier les codes de récupération et de les stocker dans un endroit sûr.

Voilà. J’espère que ça aidera :).

Am I the only one to do that?

Am I the only one who love to go to random people’s in my timeline websites and read their about pages and blog posts?

I have to admit that I really enjoy doing this, especially when I’m on Twitter. You discover real gems, and really interesting people.

Hehe, I got news!

Since I decide to share photos regularly in my #DailyNotes. Today I started drawing what my first apartment will look like.

Nothing famous (I like to think I’m a minimalist).

I really loved doing it, and I will continue to do so over the next few weeks.

Maybe I’ll post my progress regularly, and also the progress of the move itself; who knows ????.

Nice picture of nature

Nice picture of nature.

Today I was working on some sweater requests on the Gutenberg repo.
And I had to test one of the components I had to document with an image block.

A little research on Unsplash gave me this great picture that I really loved.

Photo by v2osk on Unsplash.

Found another nice app

Found another nice app.

Until a few months ago, I stayed up late at night (around 2, 3 a.m.). Sometimes to watch stuff on Netflix, to work, or just like that.

Then, I recently decided to take more sleep for myself, to sleep earlier. But apparently, my body was refusing to play this new game ????. Although I was now sleeping much earlier, I always woke up systematically (and unintentionally) around 2 or 3 am.

It was really annoying actually. Then a few weeks ago, someone told me about an application that had helped him a lot in similar situations. It’s called Insight Timer. So I downloaded it, but it was only this week that I actually started using it.

I must admit that the result was pleasantly interesting. I had some calmer nights. My unwanted waking up times went down. And all of a sudden, it’s all very cool ????.