L’aventure ambiguë de Jay Killah

L’aventure ambiguë de Jay Killah

Je crois que j’en ai déjà parlé une fois ici. En terme de culture musicale, je suis vraiment à la ramasse.

Cette semaine j’ai découvert (enfin écouté pour la première fois plutôt) un artiste rappeur béninois que j’aurais normalement dû connaître depuis. Vue la qualité de sa dernière production.

Je vous laisse plutôt découvrir par vous même.

Image mise en avant par Stas Knop provenant de Pexels

What if an alien came to Earth

Totally crazy idea that came to me today. What if an alien came to Earth, would it be free to move?

I mean, what right do states have to appraehend it; because it’s not from this planet? If he has no intention of harming humans, it should be able to go wherever he wants, right?

I mean, that’s what I think is intimately logical. Then there’s what happens in reality.

Such a thing would happen that the poor would be taken illico presto to a secret place to …

Afterwards, maybe it’s me who’s making too many films. Maybe no alien will ever set foot on our planet!

Featured image by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Someone needs a (very) long break

Someone needs a (very) long break

I think I’ve reached a point where I need to take a long break. Away from everything. From work, from the Internet, from everything.

I’m feeling the need for it more and more. My body needs it. My head, which hasn’t stopped warming up in the last few weeks, needs it.

Do our names influence who we are?

Do our names influence who we are?

Well, as I was coming home today, I asked myself…

If my parents had given me the name « Blaise » (a totally random name), would it have changed who I am today? What I do? What I like? My personality, ambitions, passions?

With a quick Google search, I realize that there are many articles (including some from « serious » sources) that support this thesis. On the other hand, nothing on Google Scholar. Maybe I’m not looking for the right terms.

I’ll try again this weekend.

Featured image by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels

Is it supposed to be exhausting?

I have recently been working on implementing an effective marketing strategy around my activities and my website. But sometimes I wonder: is it supposed to be exhausting?

Because at certain moments, I realize that some things really take a lot of time. Between configuring the tools, testing them, and putting them in place, I sometimes don’t know where to stand.

Maybe it’s my processes that are not good? Or maybe I’m too much in search of perfection? Or maybe the tools I use are too complex?

Featured image by Adam Kontor on Pexels

There is a chance that this featured image has nothing to do with the content of the article. I looked up « tired » on Pexels, and found it pretty cool. So here’s it.

Je viens de terminer et je suis super content

Il est actuellement 23H45 ce Dimanche 10 Mai 2020. Depuis 20H environs, je travaillais sur la page pricing de mes services de maintenance WordPress. Je viens de terminer, et je suis super content.

C’était important pour moi d’avoir une page pricing pour mes services. J’ai donc décidé de commencer par celle des services de maintenance.

Alors, la page est créée en full Gutenberg. C’était vrraiment super cool. De pouvoir m’amuser à nouveau avec les blocs de Gut.

Alez bye. Je suis aussi hyper fatigué. Go dodo!

Image mise en avant par Andre Furtado provenant de Pexels

The pleasure of achieving

The pleasure of achieving

I was saying yesterday that the week went by rather quickly. Partly it was because I was able to « finish » things.

Usually when you spend many days on the same tasks without finishing them, you can get demotivated. Not knowing that you’re moving forward can really set up a feeling of slack.

I was able to complete several things that were stagnating in my todo of the month. That’s really cool. And it feels really good.

Featured image by Photo de Jill Wellington on Pexels

Demain c’est Samedi, j’y crois pas!

Alors que je prépare à terminer cette journée, je me rends compte que demain c’est Samedi. J’y crois juste pas ????.

Cette semaine a été si passionnante, productive et intéressante que je n’ai pas vu le temps passer.

En plus de cela, j’ai été d’excellente humeur (alors, vraiment d’excellente humeur) toute la journée sans raison apparente. On peut dire que c’est donc un belle semaine qui prend fin.

Image mise en avant par mentatdgt provenant de Pexels

Precipitation leads to abysses

Lately, I’ve been wanting to start a side-project. At the very beginning, the « Justin of before » wanted to take the upper hand; and launch himself headlong into development. But from my previous experiences, I understood that precipitation (almost always) leads to abysses.

As a result, I’m more in a mode of taking a step back. Carefully analyzing the implications, the requirements, and whether or not I’m ready to start this side-project.

Featured image by Pixabay on Pexels

La ligne rouge

La ligne rouge

Durant tout le mois de Mai où j’ai travaillé de chez moi, j’ai pu expérimenter le challenge de séparation entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle.

Il y a clairement une « ligne rouge » qui existe; et qu’il faut faire attention à ne pas franchir trop souvent. Parce que dire qu’on ne la franchira jamais, c’est un peu utopique non ?

L’exploit est de réussir à s’arrêter au bon moment. Afin de pouvoir se consacrer à autre chose que le travail.

Titre inspiré (sans raison apparente) de La ligne verte, de Stephen King.

Image mise en avant par Pok Rie provenant de Pexels.