What if an alien came to Earth

Totally crazy idea that came to me today. What if an alien came to Earth, would it be free to move?

I mean, what right do states have to appraehend it; because it’s not from this planet? If he has no intention of harming humans, it should be able to go wherever he wants, right?

I mean, that’s what I think is intimately logical. Then there’s what happens in reality.

Such a thing would happen that the poor would be taken illico presto to a secret place to …

Afterwards, maybe it’s me who’s making too many films. Maybe no alien will ever set foot on our planet!

Featured image by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Publié par segbedji

Hi ??. Je suis Justin. Je suis un développeur et contributeur actif au cœur de WordPress basé à Cotonou au Bénin. Depuis 2019, je participe activement au développement du CMS.

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