Justin Ahinon

It's kind of very strange

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It's kind of very strange

I'm writing this note on March 12, 2020, but I'm going to backdate it to March 10. There is something very strange that happened yesterday; and I just noticed it.

Last night (March 11th), I had a problem logging in to the admin of my site. The problem seemed to come from the Yoast SEO extension that I use on the site. A few seconds after I started debugging the error, access to the admin was lost.

I had just published a few hours earlier my WordPress tutorial of the week. So I moved the site back to the March 10th backup. And this morning, I realize that I don't have a #DailyNote for March 10th. Normal I said to myself.

But the strangest thing is that I can't find the note of March 10th in my Google Keep notes. I always write the notes in Keep before editing them in the site editor.

So it's like there was no March 10th. Strange ?. To investigate.