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There is no logical reason why Rumpelstiltskin should be the title of this article. It's just a fantasy that came to me tonight.
I was watching a video on YouTube when I thought I heard "Rumple." I immediately remembered the character from a show that I really liked. So I did a Google search for Rumple and it suggested Rumpelstiltskin. Clever huh !
The character is in the series "Once Upon a Time" that, as I said, I really liked.
Robert Carlyle, playing Rumpelstiltskin in Once Upon a Time
I also saw on Wikipedia that he was a character from German fairy tales, and that he was quite well known in this culture. I'm going to dig a little bit more on that side.
Oh, he would also be called the Worry Dwarf. Weird ?, I don't remember him being a dwarf on the show.