Releasing WP Media Assistant 1.2.2

Releasing WP Media Assistant 1.2.2.

Today, in the Python Benin group where I am, this repository of Beninese open source projects has been shared.

It reminded me that it’s almost 6 months since I have updated my WP Media Assistant plugin. So I took the opportunity to do it tonight.

And I have a version 1.2.2 that I released just before going to sleep. It’s really cool to have been able to work on this extension project again. The last few months have been pretty intense.

And as usual since two versions, the plugin has been deployed on the repository with the great 10up GitHub actions. Always a pleasure ????.

Publié par segbedji

Hi ??. Je suis Justin. Je suis un développeur et contributeur actif au cœur de WordPress basé à Cotonou au Bénin. Depuis 2019, je participe activement au développement du CMS.

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