I’m not nice, I just don’t know how to say no

I’m not nice, I just don’t know how to say no.

Many of my friends and people I know tell me that I am generous. But for me, I think I still can’t distinguish between the times when I am generous and the times when I just can’t say no.

I once wrote about how I was fed up with how some people used this to get what they wanted.

Since then, I’ve been trying to find a balance. To help when I can and to reject when I can’t. It’s not always easy. But at least now it’s in a corner of my head and I’m trying to hold on to it.

Publié par segbedji

Hi ??. Je suis Justin. Je suis un développeur et contributeur actif au cœur de WordPress basé à Cotonou au Bénin. Depuis 2019, je participe activement au développement du CMS.

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